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What Is A Himalayan Salt Lamp

Posted by on Apr 24, 2017 in Standard Himalayan Salt Lamps |

The Where, What and Why of Natural Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps & Products

In this article you'll quickly learn about Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps; where they originally come from, what they are and why many people use them, and believe in them, to alleviate a whole host of health issues. 

Disclaimer: HimalayanRockSaltLamps.org are not qualified to offer health advice and have no links or affiliation to any health authorities pertaining to the benefits of using Himalayan salt products. Although the following article has been well researched and believed to be as accurate as possible, readers should use it for 'informational' purposes only and consult with their own G.P or health practitioner to satisfy their own well-being and/or to acquire professional health-related advice before using any of the products on this website.

what is a himalayan salt lamp

The salt lamp on the left in its natural state and colour, the same salt lamp on the right, illuminated with a 15w pigmy bulb in a 240v light fitting & plug.

Where Do Salt Lamps Come From?

Although the name 'Himalayan' gives it away, there are in fact 5 countries that span the Himalayas and their mountain range exceeds 50 peaks, with the biggest being Mount Everest.

A natural chunk of pink crystal salt originating and mined  



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